The Bittersohn Inn Two side-by-side residences comprise the historic Bittersohn Inn at 103 and 107 S. Magnolia St. They are of similar construction with large, two-story piazzas and star motifs at the porch columns. The houses date from about 1880 and the star motif is found on other porches of the same period in the town. It is likely that the star is a distinctive mark of the builder.
The Bittersohn Inn
• Today, two residences comprise the historic Bittersohn Inn at 103 and 107 S. Magnolia St.
• They are side-by-side and of similar construction with large, two-story piazzas and star motifs at the porch columns.
• The houses date from about 1880 and the star motif is found on other porches of the same period in the town. It is likely that the star is a distinctive mark of the builder.
• Documentation of history for the original owner and for the inn is lacking but subsequent owners have linked the early use of the facility for employees of the railroad.
• In an image published in 1893 as an advertisement for the inn, a wooden breezeway connects the two porches.
• In this ad, fresh milk for meals was obtained by dairy cows on the premises.